Use to obtain a [Mystic Tome] of your choice from the following.{nl}- Mystic Tome (Rhongomiant: : Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Rim Blow: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Mortal Slash: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Montano: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Disarm: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Muleta: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Moulinet: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Balestra Fente: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Bash: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Blandir Cadena: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Seism: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Cyclone: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Serpentine: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Sept Etoioles: Enhanced Upgrade){nl}- Mystic Tome (Wagon Wheel: Enhanced Upgrade)