Dimension Throneweaver

Magical Attack: 
Maximum Physical Attack: 3620
Minimum Physical Attack: 2413
Magical Defense: 9506
Physical Defense: 2909

HP: 606374
SP: 4817
EXP: 0
Class EXP: 0


Powerful insect-type monsters tend to become either vicious hunters or influential individuals. The latter group, in which the Throneweaver is included, is particularly dangerous, as they often side with demons.


Level: 330
Size: XL
Element: Poison
Race: Demon


STR: 67
CON: 100
INT: 234
SPR: 201
DEX: 67
Accuracy: 618
Evasion: 330
Defense: 2909
Magic Defense: 9506
Critical Damage: 563
Critical Defense: 433
Critical Rate: 990
Block Penetration: 433
Block Rate: 0