Vilkas Fighter

Magical Attack: 
Maximum Physical Attack: 5625
Minimum Physical Attack: 3750
Magical Defense: 3634
Physical Defense: 5451

HP: 210576
SP: 2563
EXP: 35928
Class EXP: 38455


People like to think that the Vylkhas are hostile towards humans. The fact is, Vylkhas dislike all that are not it's own species. Vylkhas Fighters even dislike their own.


Level: 275
Size: L
Element: Earth
Race: Beast


STR: 168
CON: 112
INT: 56
SPR: 56
DEX: 168
Accuracy: 357
Evasion: 275
Defense: 5451
Magic Defense: 3634
Critical Damage: 831
Critical Defense: 275
Critical Rate: 247
Block Penetration: 220
Block Rate: 0