Elluma's Diary


The 11th of X
Starting from tomorrow, Faustas will be dispatched to Vedas Plateau.
Due to the instructions of the Necromancer Master.
He received a request to clear the corpses of the soldiers.
{np}I said I will follow because I thought the mountain covered
with snow would be helpful to both me and Faustas.
Faustas was surprised, but it seemed he didn't like it.
I should get prepared soon.

{np}The 12th of X
I've arrived at Vedas Plateau without any problems.
I had worried that I would only encounter the corpses of the soldiers, but I felt better as I saw a few survivors.
The soldiers are strong as I expected.
{np}As the Necromancer Master instructed, Faustas started to collect the corpses.
I should think about what I can do for the living soldiers.


A diary that Elluma wrote on the way to Vedas Plateau. Readable.


Weight: 0
Silver: 1