Eyes open, Laima tried to collect Herself, consciously allowing peace to return to Her.
It was not easy foreseeing in detail all the strings of destiny that were yet to unfold. Before the future happens, there is always the faint chance that it can be changed. But destiny always comes, and when a moment inevitably approaches, it becomes only more difficult to avoid.{np}Being a goddess did not free Her from the Creator's universal laws. If anything, as a guardian of those laws, She was bound to them more than anyone.
Laima, however, was determined to take action. Time wasn't scarce according to Her premonition, but knowing the future was not enough to reassure Her. Not considering the opponent she was set to face.{np}Laima knew all too well the thousand-year regret of letting go and missing the chance to change the future.
So She prepared, careful enough not to hurry, but hasty enough not to delay Her plans.{np}Laima took one last look at the home She had grown so attached to in the past years, the same one She was now determined to abandon.
If what She foresaw was to happen, or because it was to happen, it would be another thousand years before She would return.
And so She tried, though She knew it was in vain, to imprint into Her memory the feel of that place, hoping it would carry out into the long, long millennium.{np}Her absence would last no longer than a thousand years, of that She was certain.
With a deep sigh, Laima raised Her hand and began to mark on the walls a message, as if writing with light.
Each message engraved would soon fade into the walls without a trace. For Laima, there was nothing left to do then but leave.{np}With Laima gone, Her estranged sister Giltine would be the first to visit Her abandoned home, or so she foresaw.
One of the messages left engraved on the walls was directed to her, in the hopes that Giltine would abide by it.
Laima felt sorry for the situation She had placed Herself into. Eventually, however, She stepped away from home, and Her thousand-year journey began.
Old Story of Laima, right-click to read.